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Haystack company spotlight

Built for Talent Acquisition teams and Hiring Managers at companies of all shapes and sizes

Dunelm logo

Dunelm chose Haystack as the "Golden Solution" to their tech hiring challenges

Raytheon Technologies logo

Raytheon partnered with Haystack to reposition itself within the tech community

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"Haystack is game changer. It provides instant access to high quality, targeted and engaged candidates. We made two successful hires the first time we used Haystack."

Chief Operating Officer at Multivitamin Group
Dan Blackman
Chief Operating Officer
Multivitamin Group Logo

"All of a sudden we've gone from not having access to a talent pool, to actually having a vast number of tech candidates at the ready for us to approach, talk to and engage with. It’s been a golden solution to something that was really a problem for us."

Martin Wilkinson
Talent Acquisition Partner
Dunelm logo

“Haystack enabled us to discover hard-to-reach tech talent that weren’t on other platforms or the books of recruiters. We were able to control how our brand was positioned with the tech community and get our roles directly in front of highly relevant candidates.”

Director of Software Delivery at NBS
Phil Scott
Director of Software Delivery
NBS Logo

"I love that this product has been a market disruptor. Utilising Haystack as a recruitment marketing tool has allowed us to get our vacancies in front of more tech candidates and ultimately make more hires."

Talent Acquisition Lead at Hedgehog Lab
Lauren Kernick
Talent Acquisition Lead
Hedgehog Lab logo

"I'm a big fan of Haystack. I like that engineers have control on the platform, so they're more likely to engage if they know they aren't going to get bombarded by recruiters which I think is key. Haystack is by far the most cost-effective tool we've used and has given us a very healthy ROI."

Talent Acquisition Lead at Goodlord
Sam Mullaly
Talent Acquisition Lead
Goodlord logo
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